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Infopreneurs: should you abandon (or another online course platform) to have a more stunning website?

Today, I feel like picking up my pen (or keyboard) to share my thoughts on a question frequently asked by well-established infopreneurs:

“I want my website to reflect my brand identity, but currently everything is on an online course platform and I feel very limited. Should I continue using this platform or should I rebuild everything on WordPress, for example? I’m lost!”

If you’re asking me this question, it’s because you understand that perceived value is essential in the purchasing process: your potential customers need to feel that the price of your courses reflects the quality and value they will receive in return. This is where a professional website comes into play, and it might be what you’re missing today.

I know how numerous digital solutions are, and I can imagine that you’re already overwhelmed with your daily tasks to take the time to compare and understand which platform would suit you best…

So don’t panic, this article is designed (hopefully) to shed some light on your path!


My honest opinion on online course platforms

First of all, based on my experience and after working with Jenna Blossoms (an infopreneur in the field of personal and spiritual development), I can tell you that even for a web designer, it’s not always easy to work with platforms such as Learnybox, Kajabi,, etc. Yes, really! Let me explain why:

  • These platforms promote the fact that they are very easily customizable, and this is indeed one of their marketing arguments. But in reality, the customization possibilities are very limited. In my opinion, simply being able to add your colors and logo to your site is not enough to personalize it to your image: layout is also very important, and on this point, the platforms do not allow you to do what you want.

  • Sometimes, simple operations like duplications, copy-pasting, etc., are not even possible.

  • The page and/or funnel creation systems are not optimized for creating a real website as desired.

  • Therefore, you have to find alternatives, but it eventually becomes a real headache.

  • Etc.

In short, I find that these platforms are great for user experience when your clients want to access videos and other training content, but when it comes to creating a fully-fledged website… that’s a different story!


My answer: opt for a hybrid solution!

No, this is not another new platform available on the market, rest assured!

Since I don’t like to complicate things (probably like you ^^), the idea here is to propose combining WordPress with your online course platform to take advantage of the benefits of both solutions.

This is entirely possible and is an approach adopted by some of my clients because it can be extremely effective. Let me explain why:

  • On one hand, you have a WordPress showcase site and/or sales pages offering the following advantages:

    • An ultra-professional presentation, fully customized to reflect your brand and designed to convert visitors into clients,

    • Total control over design and functionalities, allowing adaptation to the evolution of your offers and needs,

    • Improved visibility thanks to content that is finally indexed by search engines,

    • Ease of finding expert WordPress web designers to help you when you have questions or want to create an amazing new site or sales page!

  • On the other hand, you keep your training platform to:

    • Provide your clients with a seamless user experience once they have subscribed to your training offers. You can integrate into your WordPress site using links or buttons that redirect to sales funnels or training pages,

    • Retain everything you have set up previously and continue adding new trainings,

    • Benefit from all the marketing functionalities these platforms offer: automation, emails, payment systems, etc.

The advantages of this solution:

After experience and exploring this solution for my client Jenna Blossoms, here are the benefits that emerged as well as feedback from her own clients (whose opinions are particularly relevant):

  • The website appears much more professional because the entire visual identity is harmonious and represents the company. This instills more confidence and motivates clients to purchase, especially since they are not disappointed after their purchase as they benefit from a quality training experience.

  • Products stand out much more and attract attention.

  • The design justifies the price of the product.

  • Modifications are much easier to implement.

  • Both parts (showcase and customer experience) are separated, which brings more clarity to its organization.

I invite you to visit the website of Jenna Blossoms to get a better idea:


Of course, combining these two solutions will involve a certain cost. However, after this investment, you will have a sustainable ecosystem over time that will make you autonomous, flexible, and above all, IN LINE WITH YOUR BRAND. Keep in mind that if you’re selling fairly expensive courses but your sales pages are bland, soulless, and don’t represent your branding, it will be difficult to continue growing your business.

If you’d like to discuss this further directly, I would be delighted to assist you more during a discovery call (link).


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